Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where does the time go?

Wow, I can't believe it has been over a month since I last updated. Time seems to be slipping away. Life is busy, noisy, exhausting at times & so much fun!

I have started back to work full-time again so that takes up a huge part of my day. I am completing week # 3 of working again. I can't believe that I was off work for 7 1/2 months & now I have been back to work for three weeks. UNBELIEVABLE!! I am really happy to be back to work, I guess I am not a real good stay at home Mom. I really miss adult interaction & the opportunity to use my brain. I am very fortunate that I have a job & co-workers that I really like. Brandon, my oldest son is my live-in nanny so I can leave the kids & not worry about them. Their routine has not been disrupted at all & since I am a miserable cranky morning person they don't have to put up with me. I can get up earlier than usual, get myself ready & out the door & start work at 7:30 am, so I can leave work earlier & have some time in the evenings with the kids. So far it is working out wonderfully, so I hope that continues. I normally do not travel with work but we are starting a new training program so another girl & I went to Houston for two days to prepare & meet contacts. We worked long hours, but we accomplished what we wanted. Sure wish I had more time to see Houston while I was there since I will probably never get there again, but I couldn't leave the kids any longer & we are busy at work. Everyone we dealt with in Houston was so accomodating & friendly - I was very impressed. Little & big kids did great in my absence.

Christolla & Nelson are LOVING pre-school & bring home copious quanities of art work which we proudly hang all over the place. The big buzz here is their first Halloween. I do not let the kids eat candy normally so they just find it hard to believe that they will be going door to door tomorrow night & getting candy from the neighbors. Today was Nelson pre-school Halloween party & tomorrow is Christolla's so excitement is in the air. Kids are thrilled with their costumes C is a dragon & D is a lion - they didn't want anything too scarey. Last night we carved two pumpkins so we are ready for the big day. The little kids helped dig the seeds out of the pumpkins & were amazed when we finished & lit a candle inside. I can't wait to see their excitement tomorrow when kids start showing up at the door, the pumpkins are lit & outside & they get to head out to a few houses & collect a wee bit of candy. We will commerate their first Halloween with lots of photos.

It's getting late, "Grey's Anatomy" will be on soon (my favorite tv show), so I must go heat up my magic bags, cuddle up in bed & watch tv for the next hour or until I fall asleep. That is the hardest part of having to go back to work - making myself go to bed before midnight. I am not a morning person but I love my quiet evenings. Working a 3pm - 11pm shift would work beautifully if I didn't have a family.

Uggg - a friend called & I missed Grey's. I'll have to buy the dvd now for sure.

Have a happy & safe Halloween everyone!

Hugs, Laur

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