Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Procastination Continues.......

Oh my it has been over two months since I first set up my blog. My good intentions to document my thoughts & feelings hasn't been working so well for me. But today is a new day & a chance for a new start. :)

Congratulations to my friend M & family that just brought their sweet little daughter home from Haiti last week. I hope your little angel is settling in ok & I will give you a call later this week to touch base. I have taken your advice & started practicing my Creole.

I have to admit this whole process is starting to make me a little antsy. In November 2005 I committed my heart to my youngest two children. The baby was only five months old & his older sis was only 28 months. They are currently 2 1/2 years & 4 1/2 years. This is the third Christmas I am missing with my babies since I became their Mom in my heart. I am numb with shock that they aren't going to be home again this year. I can't believe that another year has gone by. I held off sending a Christmas package as I kept hoping for a miracle - but reality set in & I wanted my little ones to have something from their family so I finally had to get my rear in gear & wrap presents & get it off in the mail.

For those that know the Haitian adoption process here is our timeline so far:

November 2005 - Committed to adopting C & D
May 5, 2006 - Dossier arrived in Haiti
August 21, 2006 - Received official proposal
October 26, 2006 - In IBESR file #'s 14177 & 14178
May 17, 2007 - OUT of IBESR (almost 7 months)
June 6, 2007 - Out of Parquet
June 8, 2007 - Kids legally mine!
June 15, 2007 - Files enter 2nd legal
August 2007 - Enter MOI - file #'s 3498 & 3466

It seems we have hit all the bottle necks in the system as we go along but we are so close now. I am going to refrain from giving an estimated time line because I have not been accurate in any of my other predictions & as the dates come & go it just leaves me feeling disappointed. So no more predictions of when I think they will be home - lets all just hope it is sooner rather than later.

I will send this off & will try to see if I can figure out how to post some photos of my little sweeties.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Welcome to my life - take two

After months & months of staying in the background - reading & enjoying other's blogs, I have finally decided to participate more actively by setting up my own blog.

My intent is to use this as a sounding board for myself; as well as to document my life, adoption, trial and tribulations of raising a second family as an older single mom to two little ones.

I hope to be able to print this journal out at some point & save it for my "Haitian Angels" so they understand the emotional journey that I experienced as I waited & longed for them to be home with me. At some point hopefully in the not so distance future this will switch to my emotional & mental banterings once we have met - virtual strangers thrust together as an instant family, as we grow to love & trust one another.

My kids being stripped of their normal - language, food, culture, climate, the orphange that is the only home they have ever known, as well as their friends & nannies who have loved & cared for them during this long wait, will grieve for all they have lost - as I celebrate being united. It will be a sad symphony we will play as we get everyone settled into their new roles, lives & establish a new normal for all of us. I just hope their little hearts & souls are being prepared for the changes they will experience & their new family that loves them & has waited months / years for them to finally come home. I am overwhelmed with love for these little guys & trying to reconcile my joy during their grief leaves me torn.


This journey into my private life may not always have story book happy endings. I want to document my truth & not just see the world through rose colored glasses. You may not agree with my ramblings or observations but please this is a personal journey of my heart & my experiences - so we will have to agree to disagree on what I feel & observe.

Welcome to my life - take two. Laur